We are so grateful that you’ll be part of our special day! As many of you know, we have lived together for six years and are lucky enough to already have everything we need (and can fit) in our apartment. So in lieu of physical gifts, please consider a donation to one of the following causes or a monetary gift towards our honeymoon.

Acadia Center: https://secure.givelively.org/donate/acadia-center
Their work to tackle the problem of climate change has resulted in progress for many states in terms of carbon emissions, power generation, and legislation and policy in these areas.

Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Doctoral Scholars Program: https://www.sreb.org/dsp-donate
This program provides scholarships to minority PhD candidates, and prides itself on being “more than just a check and a handshake” for scholars, providing them with mentoring and professional development opportunities. Their goal is for more minority PhD students to seek careers as faculty on college campuses.

End The Backlog: http://www.endthebacklog.org/new-mexico
New Mexico has a particularly outrageous number of untested rape kits piling up with insufficient staff or funding to go through them all. In many cases they have piled up and expired past being useful. End The Backlog has pushed legislation in many states on local, state, and federal levels to address these backlogs.

Partners In Health initiative in Sierra Leone: https://donate.pih.org/page/contribute/maternal-health-sierra-leone
Sierra Leone is in the middle of a maternal health care crisis where 6% of women die from pregnancy or childbirth and many children don’t live past childhood. There are not enough doctors, hotspitals and resources to support it’s population. Together, Partners In Health and the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health have made great strides in recent years, but they still have a long way to go to climb out of the crisis.
Thank you so much for your generosity!
Honeymoon Registry
We are registered at https://www.honeyfund.com/wedding/KathrynandGordon